Termes et conditions


On the website https://countryflags.world, hereafter the Website, you will find information about all countries and country flags, displayed in a clear overview. You can download the flags of all countries in various formats such as vector files, images, icons, backgrounds (wallpapers), clip art, emoji and coloring. You will also find background information on the difference countries. Despite that the information is coming from reliable sources, we cannot give a 100 percent guarantee that all information is correct and accurate. To take advantage of everything that Countryflags.com offers, you have to respect some rules. Our rights and obligations are described below.


Article 1 - Identity of the entrepreneur
Article 2 - When the applicable Terms of Conditions will be used
Article 3 - The Agreement
Article 4 - The conditions for the use of the Website
Article 5 - Maintenance and changes on the Website
Article 6 - Liability
Article 7 - Duration and termination agreement
Article 8 - Modifications to the Terms and Conditions
Article 9 - Linking to the Website
Article 10 - Complaints
Article 11 - Disputes

Article 1 - Identity of the entrepreneur

ProFlags BV;

Tilbury 8, 3897AC, Zeewolde, The Netherlands;

Phone: +31 (0) 85 401 4648

Email: [email protected]

Commercial Register: 55113729

VAT identification number: NL8515.71.165.B01

Article 2 - When the applicable Terms of Conditions will be used

The Terms and Conditions apply to the agreement between Countryflags.com and the user of the Website. This includes downloading the files with the images of the flags and the consumption of the information available on Countryflags.com. Anyone who visits Countryflags.com is a Website User. The user can be either a natural person or a legal person.

These Terms and Conditions do not apply third party websites. On the website are ads from and for other websites. When you leave countryflags.com the Terms and Conditions of the other website are applicable.

Article 3 - The Agreement

The agreement is valid when the user uses the Website. The Website has the rights, without giving any reasons, to refuse a User.

Article 4 - The conditions for the use of the Website

The images on the website are high quality and can be used free of charge for non-commercial and commercial use. It is NOT allowed to download images and offer them on or to third party websites. If you are interested in offering our images and downloads please contact us ([email protected]). Texts or parts of texts may NOT be copied or offered to third party websites.

Article 5 - Maintenance and changes on the Website

We try to keep the information which is on the Website as current as possible. We will also offer occasional new images and information. It is possible that there are changes on the Website to keep the website current. The website reserves the right to make the Website or parts of the Website temporarily out of service for maintenance, modification or improvement. Proflags B.V. is not liable, due to the unavailability or alteration of the information and files on the Website. ProFlags B.V. will never pay any damages due to the unavailability or alteration of the information and files to any User.

Article 6 - Liability

Countryflags.com is not liable for any damage suffered by the user, on any ground whatsoever, including consequential loss or material damage resulting from the use of the Website.

Countryflags.com is not liable for any damage suffered by visiting the websites of third parties.

Countryflags.com is doing the best they can to avoid any inappropriate advertisements on the Website. It is not excluded that these advertisements will still displayed as an inappropriate ad. Countryflags.com is not liable for any damage suffered by the display of (inappropriate) ads. If you encounter an inappropriate ad, please contac us.

Article 7 - Duration and termination agreement

The agreement is for an indefinite period and can be stopped by Countryflags.com without reason or justification. The Agreement shall terminate by leaving the Website. After leaving the Website the preceding Article will still remains.

Article 8 - Modifications to the Terms and Conditions

Countryflags.com reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time.

Article 9 - Linking to the Website

It's allowed to link to the Website when it is subject to the following conditions:

1. You may not link to pictures on the Website. This is only allowed if we have given you permission or if there is an agreement.
2. Do not mention the Website or the name of the Website in a negative message to avoid the reputation damage.
3. It's not allowed to link the Website in a frame on another website.
4. It's not allowed to damage our reputation or to change our logo.

Article 10 - Complaints

  1. The entrepreneur has a well-publicized complaints and deals with complaints under this procedure.
  2. Complaints about the implementation of the agreement must be made fully and clearly described within a reasonable time to the entrepreneur, after the user has found the defects..
  3. When entrepreneur complaints within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt. If a complaint is a foreseeable longer processing time, is answered by the operator within the period of 14 days, confirming receipt and indicating when the user can expect a more detailed answer.
  4. If the complaint can not be resolved by mutual agreement creates a dispute that is subject to dispute.

Article 11 - Disputes

The agreements between the entrepreneur and the User of these terms refer only to Dutch law.


If you have any questions after following these Terms and Conditions, please contact us by email ([email protected])